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XL Bully Dogs.........

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  • DominicDominic Frets: 15285
    I take the Dalek perspective............firstly I think they would stand up pretty well to a bully ...all that metal cladding and the round bits making it hard to get a good bite hold ........then,
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  • Where I used to live, these dogs were rife and it’s one of the reasons why I moved.  I don’t think there are any real consequences at the moment, I feel the bully XL was part of the standard requirements for the dealer and wannabes who lived in my area at the time.  
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  • I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
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  • HaychHaych Frets: 5218
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    But if everyone had one………

    I meant April. ~ Simon Weir

    Bit of trading feedback here.

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  • PennPenn Frets: 351
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    Spot on. 

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  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6460
    edited September 2023
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    This is what I said earlier - treat these dogs like guns.  Its funny if you note those on here who say 'its not the dog's fault' and then see them express disgust at the lack of gun control in the US.  The NRA says "its not the gun's fault - guns don't kill, people do". These dogs are the same - street weapons.  

    Would you be happy to have your neighbours owning and walking their Lions, Leopards, etc round your streets?  No, of course not, no matter how well trained.  Why do you think that these dogs bred to kill are any different?  Just because they are dogs and you like dogs?  Irrational.

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  • I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    No con , I don’t think people should have guns , I just think that banning a breed doesn’t solve the problem, it’s putting a plaster on the problem which will keep bleeding. 
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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30023
    Surely as cross bred pit bulls these dogs are already illegal to own?

    • Dogs that share physical characteristics to banned breeds, such as cross-breeds, are also banned.
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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 16332
    Haych said:
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    But if everyone had one………
    Hardly think a Bully XL could be considered a concealed carry?
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  • HaychHaych Frets: 5218
    Haych said:
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    But if everyone had one………
    Hardly think a Bully XL could be considered a concealed carry?
    I wasn’t being serious, I expect you already know that though. More of a facetious dig at the NRA argument that what we need is more guns in the hands of the good guys and then the bad guys with guns would have a tough time. 

    A bit like a bully XL or whatever they are, not everyone wants a dangerous dog/gun and if bully XLs were ubiquitous there would inevitably be more carnage and death. Same with guns. 

    Sorry for taking the thread slightly off topic. 

    I meant April. ~ Simon Weir

    Bit of trading feedback here.

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  • Chalky said:
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    This is what I said earlier - treat these dogs like guns.  Its funny if you note those on here who say 'its not the dog's fault' and then see them express disgust at the lack of gun control in the US.  The NRA says "its not the gun's fault - guns don't kill, people do". These dogs are the same - street weapons.  

    Would you be happy to have your neighbours owning and walking their Lions, Leopards, etc round your streets?  No, of course not, no matter how well trained.  Why do you think that these dogs bred to kill are any different?  Just because they are dogs and you like dogs?  Irrational.
    But, for all your hyperbole, you still haven't said exactly a) how these dogs would be added to the banned breed list, since they aren't actually a recognised breed, and b) why you believe adding them to the list would be more effective at stopping the attacks than all of the bans have been over the last 30 years.
    <space for hire>
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  • Chalky said:
    I wonder if people that are happy to have the breed on the streets and blame the owners for any incidents would also be happy if people were allowed to carry guns around ? To me it’s the same thing - they are both designed / bred to be weapons and have no place in society 
    This is what I said earlier - treat these dogs like guns.  Its funny if you note those on here who say 'its not the dog's fault' and then see them express disgust at the lack of gun control in the US.  The NRA says "its not the gun's fault - guns don't kill, people do". These dogs are the same - street weapons.  

    Would you be happy to have your neighbours owning and walking their Lions, Leopards, etc round your streets?  No, of course not, no matter how well trained.  Why do you think that these dogs bred to kill are any different?  Just because they are dogs and you like dogs?  Irrational.

    Nothing to do with liking dogs ( I do ) and everything to do with banning a breed doesn’t fix the problem. I believe that making owners responsible for their dogs actions might actually go some way to fixing the problem. 
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  • Offset said:
    Well we love our old girl. She's a rescue as I have pointed out here previously and we had her DNA tested when we got her. Some breeds in there you wouldn't go out to acquire. She's a lovely dog BUT as much as we love her and as gentle as she is with us, she never goes off the lead and we're wary of her with dogs and people we and she don't know. Other owners are not so mindful however - only  a couple of weeks ago a guy allowed his staffie to come racing up to us and snap and snarl at Pickle, who ignored it on the first two occasions. The third time however it got within striking distance and she managed to grab it.  She didn't do it any real damage but Mrs O was holding her at the time and was very upset.  

    It's the owners not the dogs. Never 100% trust your pet and act accordingly. If your dog doesn't have 100% recall  or isn't well-mannered with other dogs, keep it on a lead.

    That said these bullies aren't pets - they're status symbols for druggie chavs.
    I think I've read all posts on this and my first thought was this and I think you are the only to mention it - Not just for the chavs but the gang dealers/bosses etc and they are there for a reason - Not sure it is just about status but protection and creating fear
    I totally agree that this is one half of the population that buy them. The other half are often normal animal loving people that are blind to the danger that they can pose. I suggest having a look at the 'banpitbulls' subreddit, there are lots of screenshots of cautious owners seeming making awful decisions by asking for advice when the dog plays up. "My baby pitty would never hurt a fly but by 2 year old niece walked past and he bit her. What should I do??" I am very conscious of that communities purpose but somethings you can't ignore. These blind/oblivious owners are equally as dangerous as those who use them as status symbols. I realise that these aren't strictly XL Bully related. The below posts are all different people.

    From a couple of weeks ago: XL Bully dog seized after reports of attacks in Rhondda Cynon Taf - Wales Online

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  • @Alterlifeson - all of those examples have nothing to do with the breed, though, and everything to do with owners doing stupid things like not teaching children how to behave around free-roaming dogs, using e-collars and having adolescent littermates playing unattended.

    You see those stories everywhere with all breeds, but if you're hanging around in #banpitbulls...kinda self-selecting.
    <space for hire>
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  • ShrewsShrews Frets: 2424
    edited September 2023
    If they go to attack you, shout 'Walkies' like Barbara Woodhouse and they'll walk away calmly with you (always best impersonating her rather than just shouting the word in your usual voice).

    If they're still aggressive throw them a ball and it will give chase and bring it back to you. Repeat until it's knackered.

    If that doesn't work, get some chicken from your pocket, tell it to sit, give paw, beg and roll over. All dogs will do this for a piece of chicken.

    If that doesn't work, kick it in the balls.

    Preparation Plan (if you hear of such a dog in your area)

    1 x Barbara Woodhouse cassette tape (unavailable in other formats)
    1 x ball (ideally with a squeaky)
    1 x cooked chicken (Waitrose, they can be fussy)
    1 x pair of steel toe capped boots

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  • Just as an update 

    it wasn’t an XL bully but a staff / bully cross which had heat exhaustion. 
    Owner had it out in hottest day of year and off lead. 

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  • ShrewsShrews Frets: 2424
    Seriously anyone owning such dogs MUST:

    - All dogs should be registered and licensed to the owner - cost £20
    - All owners must show evidence of formal training for their dog within 6 months of new ownership. Cost £50
    - All dogs must have a medical check-up yearly - cost £100
    - £500 minimum fine for a dog attack. 

    All proceeds to the Boris, Liz, Sunak party fund

    Maybe by forcing people to be more responsible dog owners will remove such animals from our streets and their owners can go back to the good old days of knives, bats and acid attacks. 

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  • It wouldn’t be a manslaughter charge for that, but would be an assault charge. If you can’t control your dog that’s your fault not the dogs , Is how would  I look at it. 

    If you don’t have 100% recall at anytime your dog shouldn’t be loose in public 
    It wouldn't be assault (unless, potentially, the person in control of the dog deliberately set it on you). It'd be an offence of owning or being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control. S.3 Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
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  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 10838
    If certain people cannot be trusted with certain breeds that can be unpredictably dangerous then the government has a duty to protect its citizens.

    It's all well and good saying that the owners are at fault but if the owners are too reckless, criminal or just plain stupid to be in charge of a dangerous dog or gun or knife or motorcycle or supercar then the government must tske action to reduce the potential risks.

    Blaming the owner won't un-ruin someone's life. Removing the potential cause of harm might just stop it in the first place. 
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  • the XL Bully is just the latest dog to be blamed for everything, Staffies, Rotties, GSD etc have all been classed as " devil dogs" previously. 
    The owners need to held responsible as its a status symbol, lets start prosecuting the owners, your dog attacks someone, the owner gets an assault /attempted manslaughter charge.  Start dealing with these scrotes properly 
    I'm pretty sure 'attempted manslaughter' isn't possible.
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  • On my estate there are a few people with them. One family have a fully grown one, she's about 4ft 5, and decides to bring a dog that she can barely control to the communal play area with loads of kids and let's if off the lead. She's just got two more puppies so now they have two adults, two young toddlers and three XL Bullies in a two bedroom flat, and they're all allowed to be off the lead in a built up area with young children around. 

    People have no sense. I don't take my son down there anymore. They're too dangerous, and owners are too stupid. Ban them.
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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 16332
    Genuine question. Whatever happened to bans on the systematic physical mutilation of dogs for fashion purposes?
    A lot of photos I have been able to find relating to the 'breed', involves dogs with cut/trimmed ears.

    Also, this type of bully is particularly dangerous & scary

    Suella Braverman pushes for ban of lethal American bully XL dogs
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  • Just as an update 

    it wasn’t an XL bully but a staff / bully cross which had heat exhaustion. 
    Owner had it out in hottest day of year and off lead. 

    Yes – one of those who shouldn't be allowed to own any animal. But reasonable for people to point out that the incident would have been easier to deal with if you swap in a less powerful dog, and that they're sick of sharing public spaces with dogs they find intimidating.

    The broader point, and one that is unpopular with many fans of all sorts of dogs, is that unless you're providing working dogs for one of a few jobs, no breeder these days should ever be selecting for anything except health and temperament/manageability. The XL Bully is very high on the list, but there a great many breeds the world doesn't need.
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  • the XL Bully is just the latest dog to be blamed for everything, Staffies, Rotties, GSD etc have all been classed as " devil dogs" previously. 
    The owners need to held responsible as its a status symbol, lets start prosecuting the owners, your dog attacks someone, the owner gets an assault /attempted manslaughter charge.  Start dealing with these scrotes properly 
    I'm pretty sure 'attempted manslaughter' isn't possible.
    Yeah I realise this. Was supposed to say assault/ attempted murder/ manslaughter 
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  • Genuine question. Whatever happened to bans on the systematic physical mutilation of dogs for fashion purposes?
    A lot of photos I have been able to find relating to the 'breed', involves dogs with cut/trimmed ears.
    Still legal to import them with the procedure already performed, sadly. But also, and indeed mainly: the bastards who breed them don't give a shit about the law.
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  • I’m guessing the type of folk who breed these monstrosities aren’t in the top quartile of law-abiders in society and I would speculate that their owners aren’t either. 

    I don’t think any mandatory chipping/ licensing etc etc will work as they’re probably all back-street breeders flogging the pups of these things on the dark web. This will also make prosecution for owners tricky as defining ownership could be hard to prove.
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  • swillerswiller Frets: 662
    edited September 2023
    I love dogs, the supreme species.

    But they are often protective over single individuals in a household. Ive seen my 14 yr old neice get aggressively bitten and blood drawn  by the cutest cavapoochon, because it only lets her mum take stuff away from it. It has had a go at me when looking after it.

    Thats after significant investment in help with training, behavior etc and all the effort in the world from the mum and ongoing daily effort ,the little shit still does it.

    If it was a mike tyson look alike with a jaw as wide as a les paul, then iim sure neice would have been significantly injured.

    Think dogs sense fear and if the dog looks scary in its stature it might sense it and may be more prone to aggression etc in public.

    This breed in my limited knowledge are rated as some of the most dangerous dogs in the world, along with huge USA cross wolves and stuff. 

    If you want a large animal as a pet, just get a sow in.

    Dont worry, be silly.
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  • My cat used to occasionally give people the side eye /thread ;) 
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • BillDLBillDL Frets: 5615
    Somebody, and maybe also others, mentioned earlier about underestimating the damage that any dog of an appreciable size is capable of inflicting.  I was once attacked by two border collies on the loose while I was mowing my front lawn. They attempted to round me up as one snarling slabbering one faced me off and the other circled behind me.  I received a deep bite on my leg despite bashing them with the lawnmower and kicking them with my toe-tectors, and they weren't going to give up despite being injured.  When one lunged at my neighbour as he came out, he avoided being savaged by smashing that dog's head with a shovel, killing it.  We then managed to fend the other one off and it ran off injured and was later snared by the police dog handler and put down on a court order.  Not the kind of breed you would expect to savage humans that they tend to see as their "masters", is it?  Not really the type of breed that is kept by thuggish or irresponsible owners either.  Just rogue dogs on the prowl I would guess.  If I hadn't been able to stay on my feet I am sure one or both of them would have torn my throat out.
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  • I love dogs, but these are too big and dangerous to be managed. If they flip that’s it, someone is in trouble, seriously injured or dead. They shouldn’t be in public areas or parks. Our kids should be safe on parks, so should we, so should other dogs.
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