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Russell Brand allegations

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I've been a big fan of Russell Brand since he first appeared on BBLB back in the day. I know he's marmite (at best) to some - but I think he's always been funny, insightful and endearing. 

I think he's been pretty open throughout his career about his story and his struggles. People see his more recent political and spiritual content as a newer development or change in personality but it has always been a core part of him. 

I've got a lot from him over the years and find his views often align with mine. 

Now this.... 
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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 16332
    Well, you started off in a reasonable manner, I'll be interested to see if the thread develops in a similar vein, I do hope so.
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  • Never liked him. 

    That’s all I want to say before this thread gets closed down. 
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  • @theatreanchor @Kittyfrisk ;

    Maybe I shouldn't have started it. I did wonder whether it'd be ok.... hopefully we can manage.
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  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 16332
    edited September 2023
    Brand seems to be a hyper polarising, highly inflammatory subject, so you'll have to wait & see how things go.
    Hope for the best but anticipate the worst. 

    From a previous closed thread, keep it legal & non slanderous for the sake of TFB.
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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 9212
    Disliked him from the word go.  The Andrew Sachs episode with the oleaginous Ross was the final straw for me.  I'm scarcely surprised at these allegations.

    Horrible git.
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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 3950
    I didn't like the old public persona and I really didn't like the newer one.
    Fake, plastic guru, doing what fake plastic gurus do.

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  • I used to find him annoying and unbearable back in the day but saw him in one of those Big Fat Quiz of the Year shows paired up with Noel Fielding and found him hilarious. His new political persona is a bit too out there for me but over all I respect the fact he's never tried to hide behind a good boy image.

    Gonna try and avoid passing judgment on him until the verdict is in whenever that may be. Would be nice if this didn't turn into another Huw Edwards spectacle in this forum. But something tells me it will anyway. 
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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30023
    He wants locking up, if only for those turds Forgetting Sarah Marshall and St Trinians.
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  • Sassafras said:
    He wants locking up, if only for those turds Forgetting Sarah Marshall and St Trinians.
    if there is any justice lol....

    @LionAquaLooper there is quite a few comments worrying about where this thread will go..... I am worrying I shouldn't have started it now..... I didn't see the Huw Edwards one..... can I delete the thread? I've got no interest in stirring the pot.
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  • I must say these allegations have not surprised me, I was expecting it to happen to him sooner rather than later, as in the only thing that's surprised me about these allegations is how long it's taken for them to come to light/be made public knowledge outside of the industry.
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  • dazzajldazzajl Frets: 5092
    My thoughts about him aside, allegations this serious should not be decided in the court of public opinion. When lives and careers are on the line, everyone deserves to be away from the cameras and in front of a jury. 
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  • munckeemunckee Frets: 11457
    dazzajl said:
    My thoughts about him aside, allegations this serious should not be decided in the court of public opinion. When lives and careers are on the line, everyone deserves to be away from the cameras and in front of a jury. 
    Before being hung
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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 9212
    Grunfeld said:
    I didn't like the old public persona and I really didn't like the newer one.
    Fake, plastic guru, doing what fake plastic gurus do.

    Wasn't that a Radiohead song?
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  • Sassafras said:
    He wants locking up, if only for those turds Forgetting Sarah Marshall and St Trinians.
    if there is any justice lol....

    @LionAquaLooper there is quite a few comments worrying about where this thread will go..... I am worrying I shouldn't have started it now..... I didn't see the Huw Edwards one..... can I delete the thread? I've got no interest in stirring the pot.
    You can ask one of the admins like digitalscream to close or delete the thread i suppose. But they do a pretty good job of monitoring threads. Someone started a Russell Brand thread couple of days ago and the admins closed it as soon as it got out of hand. 
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  • Sassafras said:
    He wants locking up, if only for those turds Forgetting Sarah Marshall and St Trinians.
    if there is any justice lol....

    @LionAquaLooper there is quite a few comments worrying about where this thread will go..... I am worrying I shouldn't have started it now..... I didn't see the Huw Edwards one..... can I delete the thread? I've got no interest in stirring the pot.
    You can ask one of the admins like digitalscream to close or delete the thread i suppose. But they do a pretty good job of monitoring threads. Someone started a Russell Brand thread couple of days ago and the admins closed it as soon as it got out of hand. 
    thanks @LionAquaLooper ; - I didn't know there had been a thread already...... I haven't read it - so thats on me. I am not sure there is any value in another thread so soon then. I am happy if it's binned off @digitalscream?

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  • Watched a bit about it on the BBC news channel earlier although it seemed to mainly consist of the reporter trying to explain to the audience what YouTube is (I suspect I may be one of the younger lunchtime viewers!). 
    I can only make the same ill informed guesses that anyone else could so they probably aren't worth sharing. I don't know a great deal about him, I watched something on his YouTube channel when he interviewed someone I was interested in but all I learned was that Brand was a lousy interviewer. And I've seen him in a couple of films and from those I learned that he can't act either. So, his talents have passed me by I think. 
    I’ll handle this Violet, you take your three hour break. 
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  • 2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 9reaction image Wisdom · Share on Twitter
  • OffsetOffset Frets: 9212
    Sassafras said:
    He wants locking up, if only for those turds Forgetting Sarah Marshall and St Trinians.
    if there is any justice lol....

    @LionAquaLooper there is quite a few comments worrying about where this thread will go..... I am worrying I shouldn't have started it now..... I didn't see the Huw Edwards one..... can I delete the thread? I've got no interest in stirring the pot.
    You can ask one of the admins like digitalscream to close or delete the thread i suppose. But they do a pretty good job of monitoring threads. Someone started a Russell Brand thread couple of days ago and the admins closed it as soon as it got out of hand. 
    It's been discussed ad infinitum on the Beeb.  As long as people are mindful of the laws of defamation, I can't see that a general discussion on the nasty little twat is particularly contentious.
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  • danodano Frets: 1484
    Never really liked him since he first appeared, so I just ignore him, occasionally pops up on social media feeds.

    I have watched a few of his YT videos over the last few years, he has got himself deep into the grift of the online alt-right narrative of band wagon,  conspiracies, great reset, the elites, pro Russia, defend masculinity etc. But he's clever, from what I've seen he never pushes the narrative, just says "I'm asking the question" about the hot topic that week. And watches the views and revenue come in.

    He's a pseudo intellectual, he craves fame and he'll spin these latest sexual allegations about how he's being persecuted. Very Trumpian. 
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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 9212
    dano said:
    He's a pseudo intellectual, he craves fame and he'll spin these latest sexual allegations about how he's being persecuted. Very Trumpian. 
    ..apart from the pseudo-intellectual part of course.
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  • CrankyCranky Frets: 2109
    edited September 2023
    I’m curious.

    I know pretty much nothing about Brand.  He has seemed not-my-style anytime I’ve seen him on TV (like in interviews).  I’ve never seen a movie he was in or a standup bit of his.

    The “fake plastic guru” comment above seems right to me.

    But — as a general society question (not a Brand question — are we at the point where physically persuading (aka forcing) someone to sleep with you is on par with verbally/emotionally persuading them to sleep with you if they end up regretting it later?

    Don’t get me wrong, instances like his behavior on Fallon are creepy and would allude to someone who’d go further across the line when off-camera.  But it’s an interesting time nonetheless.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 15793
    edited September 2023
    What we now know is that his persona was no act.  Whether the allegation are true or not, its no surprise they have happened.

    I dont know how much is true, but I will say I think channel 4 are being very hypocritical.

    I took the following from the program.

    The allegations from the 16 year old made it clear she met him at their studio when she was visiting a friend.  She currently works for them, in what role was not revealed.  She first made the allegations to his people 3 years ago, which I am willing to bet coincides with Dispatches first steps towards this program.  She never should have been there when she was 16. And she is far too biased to be part of this program now.

    One of the other women consider RB a friend.  She made it clear she was used by C4 as a go between at a point RB was fresh out of rehab.  This led to an incident.  They clearly knew what he was like, that he was in a vulnerable state,  and still used women to get what they wanted from him.  

    None of this makes the behaviour in the allegations okay. But it does not sit well with me that channel 4 made a lot of money off RB and his promiscuity during the noughties, and are now again making money off him again with this new documentary.   

    If they really want to show how much they have changed they should be making some significant donations to rape victim charities, taken from the profits they have made from RB over the years.

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  • Offset said:
    Sassafras said:
    He wants locking up, if only for those turds Forgetting Sarah Marshall and St Trinians.
    if there is any justice lol....

    @LionAquaLooper there is quite a few comments worrying about where this thread will go..... I am worrying I shouldn't have started it now..... I didn't see the Huw Edwards one..... can I delete the thread? I've got no interest in stirring the pot.
    You can ask one of the admins like digitalscream to close or delete the thread i suppose. But they do a pretty good job of monitoring threads. Someone started a Russell Brand thread couple of days ago and the admins closed it as soon as it got out of hand. 
    It's been discussed ad infinitum on the Beeb.  As long as people are mindful of the laws of defamation, I can't see that a general discussion on the nasty little twat is particularly contentious.
    Agreed. Was merely pointing Placid in the right direction as he wanted to have the thread closed/deleted. I don't mind either way. If people obey the rules then we can discuss freely. If it gets closed, then it got closed for a damn good reason. 
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  • dano said:
    Never really liked him since he first appeared, so I just ignore him, occasionally pops up on social media feeds.

    I have watched a few of his YT videos over the last few years, he has got himself deep into the grift of the online alt-right narrative of band wagon,  conspiracies, great reset, the elites, pro Russia, defend masculinity etc. But he's clever, from what I've seen he never pushes the narrative, just says "I'm asking the question" about the hot topic that week. And watches the views and revenue come in.

    He's a pseudo intellectual, he craves fame and he'll spin these latest sexual allegations about how he's being persecuted. Very Trumpian. 
    The narrative online is very much he’s caught the attention of the ‘elites’ and asked too many pertinent questions about various things like big pharma making money out of vaccinations and companies making money out of war.  All pretty obvious thing's to be fair, he’s courting a certain type, rather than uncovering anything interesting or groundbreaking.

    I just wonder why so many people think he’s their voice of reason.  He very much is an ‘elite’ to most people, worth £20 million plus, a powerful, almost untouchable media figure with almost limitless legal protection.  His platform is the trillion dollar Google/youtube, yet somehow he’s an alternative voice of reason.  His massive switch from left to right wing makes me think it’s a popularity strategy as much as anything.  Win the info war, use easily bought popularity as a shield and garner support from the conspiratorial masses.

    Trumpian is the perfect description.  We live in an age of who shouts the loudest controls the narrative and he’s always been good at loud.
    He has a sociopathic need for attention like these types often do.

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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 9212
    Cranky said:
    I’m curious.

    I know pretty much nothing about Brand.  
    I think I can save you a bit of time @Cranky ;.  All you need to know is that he's a bit of a cunt, and has been for years.
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  • Cranky said:

    But — as a general society question (not a Brand question — are we at the point where physically persuading (aka forcing) someone to sleep with you is on par with verbally/emotionally persuading them to sleep with you if they end up regretting it later?

    In my opinion, not yet. But it's borderline. 
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 23802
    Offset said:
    I think I can save you a bit of time @Cranky ;.  All you need to know is that he's a bit of a cunt, and has been for years.
    I think that's jolly offensive to everyone who's a bit of a cunt.

    He's a fur-lined, ocean-going cuntbucket. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • Offset said:
    Cranky said:
    I’m curious.

    I know pretty much nothing about Brand.  
    I think I can save you a bit of time @Cranky ;.  All you need to know is that he's a bit of a cunt, and has been for years.
    LOVE IT. 
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  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4537
    edited September 2023
    I have actually fallen out with a couple of pals in the last few days over this topic, the whole claim it’s a “msm led character assignation because he knows too much “ is just utter tripe. The guys a fud, we are all aware of the Big Pharma thing, and corrupt politicians etc, him spouting about it on YouTube ( where he seems to make a fuck load of money for saying a lot of big words without really saying anything) makes fuck all difference. 

    Wether or not he is a rapist remains to be seen , but he is a prize cunt as proven by his treatment of Sachs. 
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17108
    edited September 2023 tFB Trader
    Cranky said:
    I’m curious.

    I know pretty much nothing about Brand.  He has seemed not-my-style anytime I’ve seen him on TV (like in interviews).  I’ve never seen a movie he was in or a standup bit of his.

    The “fake plastic guru” comment above seems right to me.

    But — as a general society question (not a Brand question — are we at the point where physically persuading (aka forcing) someone to sleep with you is on par with verbally/emotionally persuading them to sleep with you if they end up regretting it later?

    Don’t get me wrong, instances like his behavior on Fallon are creepy and would allude to someone who’d go further across the line when off-camera.  But it’s an interesting time nonetheless.

    In Brand's case he's accused of the former. 

    However the latter can be a crime if the person cannot intelligently consent, or if you are in some kind of relationship of power over them.

    In general however consent is not retrospective.
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