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Parkinsons Disease

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strumjoughlampsstrumjoughlamps Frets: 3067
edited October 2020 in Off Topic
Early stage Parkinson’s confirmed, and it is early, I am not too concerned.

it just made it real.
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  • SnagsSnags Frets: 4987
    That's a bugger :/

    Have had various friends with it over the years. One at the moment is on some kind of trial programme (I think it's still in trials) and seems to be doing really well, so fingers crossed ...
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  • ESBlondeESBlonde Frets: 3532
    A bugger indeed!

    Current medical developments whilst not available next week, suggest there is hope. I'm sending good vibes and wishes.

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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 11742
    Blimey Dave, that’s a shocker. How old are you? Is it any better treatment-wise for you that you’ve developed it comparatively young? 
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  • boogieman said:
    Blimey Dave, that’s a shocker. How old are you? Is it any better treatment-wise for you that you’ve developed it comparatively young? 
    48 but I put it down to an essential tremor, probably was 46 when first noticed. Too early for heavy treatments they like to wait til absolute needed. Currently only needing tabs to reduce shake in right hand.
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  • horsehorse Frets: 1502
    One of my wife's best mates was diagnosed around new year, age about 45 I think. She had been noticing symptoms getting worse for quite a few months and it was noticeable in her walk etc.

    The good news is that her medication has made a massive difference for her and her life is much more back to normal at the moment.

    All the best for managing it going forward.
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  • TeyeplayerTeyeplayer Frets: 2811
    edited May 2020
    Just be careful and ask LOTS of questions. A friend was misdiagnosed, the medication created the symptoms and he proceeded to become more and more unwell. Don’t accept a diagnosis and just go with it; question the stages, question the treatment. The meds can do the most damage. Very very best of luck. 
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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4697
    Ooh, sorry to hear that, Strumster, but at least you do have it confirmed now.

    Best wishes to you.

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  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1416
    fucksake. Sorry to hear that Dave :( Wishing you all the best. 

    My grandfather had it, so I have a slight concern that it may be passed down genetically. 

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  • RobDaviesRobDavies Frets: 2983
    Sorry to hear that, chap. 

    My Grandfather had Parkinson’s...albeit mildly.... lived well into his eighties and it didn’t affect his life too much apart from having to give up playing his beloved snooker.  

    Good luck with it.  
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  • wibblewibble Frets: 1042
    Shit. Sorry to hear that Dave
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 15657
    Thinking of you today Dave

    tae be or not tae be
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  • merlinmerlin Frets: 6199
    Really sorry to hear that, I hope you're doing OK in your head/heart. 
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  • Turns out I’m stage 1-2. Worst year ever. 
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  • MikeSMikeS Frets: 2103
    I don't know you, Dave. But my love goes out to you and I wish you the best.

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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 3950
    Turns out I’m stage 1-2.
    No, you're Dave.
    You were Dave.  You're still Dave.
    and strumjoughlamps  --- which honestly doesn't roll off the tongue but I prefer it to stage 1-2 which just sounds like a roadie doing a sound check.
    You're still you.
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  • Grunfeld said:
    Turns out I’m stage 1-2.
    No, you're Dave.
    You were Dave.  You're still Dave.
    and strumjoughlamps  --- which honestly doesn't roll off the tongue but I prefer it to stage 1-2 which just sounds like a roadie doing a sound check.
    You're still you.
    Yeah just having a feeling sorry for myself moment... I have next week off which is going to include many rounds of golf.

    apparently there will be little movement in my condition for a while now. 

    Tell you what tho, the things that can be found from things like blood tests and scans are absolutely amazing, and the timeframe in which they are done.
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 26143
    Enjoy the golf.

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • mgawmgaw Frets: 4979
    ffs and here's many of us worry about nonsense..very sorry to hear that Dave
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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4697
    Grunfeld said:
    Turns out I’m stage 1-2.
    No, you're Dave.
    You were Dave.  You're still Dave.
    and strumjoughlamps  --- which honestly doesn't roll off the tongue but I prefer it to stage 1-2 which just sounds like a roadie doing a sound check.
    You're still you.
    Actually, @Grunfeld , that has struck the faintest of chords in my memory. 

    I seem to to recall that "strumjoughlamps" was an amalgam or a piss-take of several other users' names, the only one of which I can now remember was JoughRustice - please tell me I'm not making that up?!  :)

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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 3950
    Nitefly said:

     I can now remember was JoughRustice - please tell me I'm not making that up?!  :) 

    @Nitefly It rings a bell but not with certainty. I’m often impressed by @DLM ’s forum memory. 
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 11742
    Strum strum/ jough rustice / amber lamps. 
    I have a stupidly retentive memory but can’t really remember the significance of the names. 

    Sorry to hear the news Dave.  :#

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  • Damn man. That sucks. :-1: 


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  • Sorry to hear about that.  And you're fully entitled to feel sorry for yourself.... and then play lots of golf.
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  • DLMDLM Frets: 2493
    First off, I'm very sorry to hear your news, Dave.

    boogieman said:
    Strum strum/ jough rustice / amber lamps. 
    I'll answer for Dave as Oli has "challenged" me:

    Our OP joined the intermusic/MusicRadar community as strumstrum and would occasionally post a clip of music, referring to it as "a new strum".

    We had a member who played in a band called Rough Justice who would pimp his act constantly. I remember him having a nice collection of EBMM guitars (also played by his co-guitarist in the band IIRC), and posting often about RATT*, which he always capitalised. Before the community moved to tFB, parody accounts were often tolerated at least for a time, and strumstrum also signed up as JoughRustice to poke fun at the Rough Justice guy always bigging up his band.

    Amber Lamps is derived from the AC Transit Bus fight viral video quote: "I need an ambulance". Drew @WiresDreamDisasters went by the handle Amberience at one time, though I don't think Strum was referencing that, or that Drew had "amberlamps" in mind with his name either.

    How did I do?

    We had some great fun in previous iterations of this community. I really miss J-Mo and BJ, neither of whom I ever met. :cry:

    *I've been listening to them a bit recently, being something of a latecomer to their music, though very familiar with their scene.
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  • Blooming hell FBI agent @DLM :)
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  • guitars4youguitars4you Frets: 12794
    tFB Trader
    Sorry to hear such news - Best wishes - Mark
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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6086
    aw Dave, that's tough news. Keep well, and as someone said, ask loads of questions about any treatment and what's available. There are quite a few things in development for Parkinson's at the moment, and not before time. 
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  • JalapenoJalapeno Frets: 6284
    Well you've every right to be feeling sorry for yourself mate ! Enjoy the golf ! Focus on you and work through the bucket list !!!!!!
    Imagine something sharp and witty here ......

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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 11742
    DLM said:
    First off, I'm very sorry to hear your news, Dave.

    boogieman said:
    Strum strum/ jough rustice / amber lamps. 
    I'll answer for Dave as Oli has "challenged" me:

    Our OP joined the intermusic/MusicRadar community as strumstrum and would occasionally post a clip of music, referring to it as "a new strum".

    We had a member who played in a band called Rough Justice who would pimp his act constantly. I remember him having a nice collection of EBMM guitars (also played by his co-guitarist in the band IIRC), and posting often about RATT*, which he always capitalised. Before the community moved to tFB, parody accounts were often tolerated at least for a time, and strumstrum also signed up as JoughRustice to poke fun at the Rough Justice guy always bigging up his band.

    Amber Lamps is derived from the AC Transit Bus fight viral video quote: "I need an ambulance". Drew @WiresDreamDisasters went by the handle Amberience at one time, though I don't think Strum was referencing that, or that Drew had "amberlamps" in mind with his name either.

    How did I do?

    We had some great fun in previous iterations of this community. I really miss J-Mo and BJ, neither of whom I ever met. :cry:

    *I've been listening to them a bit recently, being something of a latecomer to their music, though very familiar with their scene.
    Wow, well remembered that man. 

    The RATT thing was hilarious, I remember that someone on the MR admin team altered the forum software so that whenever anyone typed RATT, it changed the words to “pretentious rock bollocks” or something similar.  :)  I always suspected it was Simon Bradley, he had a wicked sense of humour. 
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  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 12324
    Scary stuff. Sending internet mojo. 
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