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Fretboard Jam - 2017 Leicester - 2nd September - Running Order V4 Now up!!

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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4610
    Thanks guys,
    I think the opportunity to film and record an amp shootout like that is rare so I reckon it's worth a little bit of effort to get it as good as we can. 
    How many times do you hear people complain at the quality of a recording when they're watching something like that saying things like "Why did you bother...?" Etc.

    I have the possible YT channel that Lee spoke about in my mind and if we make a real success of the shootout even better that it's filmed at a successful community jam session I think it will REALLY stand out in YT land amongst the rubbish we so often see.

    Just my thoughts but I spend a lot of time on YT and I say that line often so I'm sure others do too.

    How cool would it be to have comments that praise us for not only producing something worth listening to but also then when people use those demos to make an amp buying decision and come back to praise us for helping them. 

    A good show here will last and last and make the forum look great in the public domain. 
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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7962
    I can definitely help with that. I can make any amp on the market sound like complete dog shit ;) 

    My Trading Feedback    |    You Bring The Band

    Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you
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  • Alnico said:
    no problem at all syncing up audio to video, tis dead easy if you get someone to do a visual and audible clap, or have the drummer hit the snare before you start.
    What's the best way to record the audio then?
    Am I right thinking we can tap a feed off the PA with a mic and mic up each amp properly?
    I'll have my laptop and the full version of Reaper with me?
    I can't use it yet, I just got it and I'm still a clueless newbie with Reaper but if you can drive it @digitalscream then go for it. I can learn as you do it maybe?
    Would that work? Hook my Laptop up into the PA in the small room?

    it is possible do get a decent result out of on-camera mics, depending on what camera you're using.  I use Panasonics, particularly the G6, and the on-board mics are surprisingly good and can handle quite high SPLs.  Of course close-miking has its benefits, but there is something to be said for getting a decent room sound - there's more to the sound of an amp, for comparison purposes at any rate, than just the sound of the close-miked speaker.  Of course it's definitely worthwhile getting a decent close-miked recording, but if a decent camera is used for the video the sound quality should be quite decent, and of course available immediately.
    Where I agree some cameras have decent audio recording now you will always have to compromise the video as audio does not tend to consistent when you are moving around with the camera.

    I am planning on bringing a Pana LX7 and a couple of GoPros for video; then a DSLR for stills. 

    i wouldn't want the responsibility of relying on in camera audio. I did have a Tascam Dr07mk2 which was good but I sold it to upgrade to one with more on board eq options but as of yet I have yet to get the upgrade. 
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  • TTBZTTBZ Frets: 2775
    Alnico said:
    TTBZ said:
    I'd like to come to this meet but don't think I'd be allowed out to "waste" a whole day mucking around with guitars
    could help out with any editing though.
    If a space opens up for you, we could all help you work out a rock solid set of excuses and fabrications. :)
    You work for Marshall and you need help with Excuses?

    NOT meant as anything more than Banter.

    Would you like me to put you on the reserve list while you deal with whatever the obstruction is?
    Haha I've only been here for a few months so there's my excuse for not having good excuses.
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 25239
    Where I agree some cameras have decent audio recording now you will always have to compromise the video as audio does not tend to consistent when you are moving around with the camera.
    Indeed...also, camera mics tend to heavily compress loud audio.
    <space for hire>
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  • fandangofandango Frets: 2202
    Whoa with all the recording and camera shit!!

    That's pressure i definitely do NOT want on my first stage jam, thanks!!!

    if theres anything to make someone self conscious, its this.

    Not sure how others feel, but it's not helpful.
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24559
    fandango said:
    Whoa with all the recording and camera shit!!

    That's pressure i definitely do NOT want on my first stage jam, thanks!!!

    if theres anything to make someone self conscious, its this.

    Not sure how others feel, but it's not helpful.
    Don't worry - we will only record and publish with all players permission. 

    Of course, hearing yourself play is very helpful for development and it's another opportunity to get pressure free experience of the whole recording malarkey 
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  • monofinmonofin Frets: 1118
    Echoing slightly what @fandango said, this is all getting pretty formal to me - not sounding like the "chill" session it started out as...... maybe its just me though.
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 26143
    fandango said:
    Whoa with all the recording and camera shit!!

    That's pressure i definitely do NOT want on my first stage jam, thanks!!!

    if theres anything to make someone self conscious, its this.
    That's a fair point.

    Perhaps the recording bit could be confined to a pre-agreed period, perhaps 3-4, so those "performing" have a chance to warm up, those recording have had time to set the kit up and confirm it's all working, and those who'd prefer not to be captured "performing" can be offstage?
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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7962
    FWIW I've only been playing since December, and in the last couple of months I've been going to the local studio with a few friends and jamming, often recording or videoing. Looking back at / listening to it later has helped me immeasurably. I've improved my technique loads. I'm sure nobody will be recorded who doesn't want to be and equally sure if you are they won't be published without permission. 

    I for one think a video diary edited with a few songs in it would be a fantastic memento of the day and I want all the footage I can get of me playing just to help me improve more. 

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  • It's certainly not going to be a camera in your face thing. Just catching the essence of the day with the option of grabbing a performance or two.
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4610
    As far as I knew, we (A small few of us who wanted to compare some amps) were going to record an amp shootout in the 2nd room, away from the main jam.
    I was (and still am?) the one going to play on that, through each amp etc.
    It was about taking the opportunity of having a room where we can turn it up a bit and all the different amps together at the same time with the same player, same guitar etc.

    I'm not sure about whatever people think but we're not filming the Jam at all unless someone specifically asked us to then I guess it would be rude to say no to them but I for one wasn't expecting that. We were going to shoot, hopefully, to produce maybe 20 minutes of subjective amp comparisons and I was concerned about the quality of the sound.
    As far as I'm aware, no one mentioned filming the jam session or any performances did they?


    If that's how you and others feel about being filmed, that's fine. It was never the plan anyway.
    I had no plans to film you or anyone else except the amps and I'm happy to be the one playing in that film, that was the whole and only point of that sub-discussion.

    If any of the others had plans to film the Jam, they haven't told me about it and it's not been posted in this thread as far as I can see.
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 25239
    Yeah, I was under the impression this was just for the amp shootout - we may well grab some ad-hoc footage from wandering around the place as a record of the event, but there certainly won't be any recording of folk without them being allowed to veto in advance.
    <space for hire>
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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7962
    *whispered quietly in the ear of @Alnico ;
    (I'd quite like any songs I play in to be filmed or recorded but if that's not the plan no worries) 

    My Trading Feedback    |    You Bring The Band

    Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you
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  • ennspekennspek Frets: 1625
    It's not really pressure if you aren't being filmed!
    There are various degrees of playing ability on this forum ranging from pro level awesomeness to, well, me.
    They will be filming an amp shoot out in one room while I publically make myself look an arse in the other. That's fine by me.
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  • Alnico said:
    As far as I knew, we (A small few of us who wanted to compare some amps) were going to record an amp shootout in the 2nd room, away from the main jam.
    I was (and still am?) the one going to play on that, through each amp etc.
    It was about taking the opportunity of having a room where we can turn it up a bit and all the different amps together at the same time with the same player, same guitar etc.

    I'm not sure about whatever people think but we're not filming the Jam at all unless someone specifically asked us to then I guess it would be rude to say no to them but I for one wasn't expecting that. We were going to shoot, hopefully, to produce maybe 20 minutes of subjective amp comparisons and I was concerned about the quality of the sound.
    As far as I'm aware, no one mentioned filming the jam session or any performances did they?


    If that's how you and others feel about being filmed, that's fine. It was never the plan anyway.
    I had no plans to film you or anyone else except the amps and I'm happy to be the one playing in that film, that was the whole and only point of that sub-discussion.

    If any of the others had plans to film the Jam, they haven't told me about it and it's not been posted in this thread as far as I can see.
    It was first talked about on page 5

    but it's really not a problem to me, I shall bring a guitar instead of camera gear so to avoid any potential issues and keep it relaxed.
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4610
    *whispered quietly in the ear of @Alnico ;
    (I'd quite like any songs I play in to be filmed or recorded but if that's not the plan no worries) 
    No problem man, everything is being set up to be, as close as we can get it to be, what everyone wants.
    As each person "Has a Go", we'll ALL do EVERYTHING it's possible to do, to make sure that their 15 minutes is what THEY want it to be.

    THAT was the original plan and the Ethos behind this.

    I'm wondering whether nerves are getting to people already and they're misreading this?

    If you want a spotlight, we'll try to arrange one. If you want to be filmed or even streamed live on social media, we'll try everything we know how to do that for you but if not then THAT'S FINE, None of us are going to force that on you and we weren't contemplating doing so.

    We actually wanted to give everyone a chance to experience playing live with a band in a closed environment where they didn't feel under pressure and could relax.
    To be part of any proper live group, you have to play in front of people at some point and this was meant as an ice breaker for that.
    Helping people.

    Why would we go to all this trouble to do this FOR OTHERS and then turn it on its head and purposely or even inconsiderately make them feel uncomfortable?

    So far, every *Suggestion!* we've had, we've done our best to implement.
    Every wish, we've tried to accommodate and we'll keep trying.

    The people running this all have played live many times and regularly do still, we don't need to do it, we WANT to do it for the social aspect and to help people further back down the road from us to get to a place we all know is a cool place to be (Figuratively speaking).

    So......before we go any further, does everyone get this now?
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 26143
    Filming / recording an amp shoot-out = great idea.

    If anyone wants to do FX reviews, or guitar reviews, or anything else like that, also = great idea.
    (if there are any volunteers?).  Perhaps a video' guitar setup would also work well (@wezv?).

    Any / all of the above could be the start of some extended content for the forum perhaps?

    IMHO, filming / recording the jam session ** at some stage in the afternoon ** would also be a good thing to do, as long as those being filmed were comfortable with it.  Hence the suggestion that we aim for a specific time slot for that to happen, not least so that there's an opportunity to do a run through or two before any presses the big red "record" button, and anyone who doesn't want to be in front of the camera can ensure that they're not.


    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • ennspekennspek Frets: 1625
    All makes sense to me.
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24559
    Right. As self appointed executive organiser, my decision is final.

    Amp shootout recording - fine
    Other gear reviews or demos with players permission - fine

    Normal jam session - no recording. 

    Except, if all players taking part request the session to be recorded - then fine.

    We are all adults and it's meant to be a fun day. Nothing serious, nothing pressured.

    On the day, if you aren't comfortable with something then say so, and as organisers we will ensure it's sorted and you can carry on without feeling uncomfortable.

    Please do appreciate that there's quite some work involved in planning and organising an event like this, and we will do our best to accommodate everyone, as we can, when we can. 

    However, we can't do the impossible - we will have a go, but no guarantees.
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  • TADodgerTADodger Frets: 211
    I can probably bring along a Vox AV30 for the amp shootout if needed?
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  • fandangofandango Frets: 2202
    Thanks guys.

    @Bridgehouse @Alnico - i appreciate all the work thats going in to this day. Many many thanks to both of you. Sorry if i misconstrued your efforts. Im okay about it now that i have calmed down.  :)

    @Legionreturns - i'll be up for being filmed one day, just not for my first.

    All - i am looking forward to filling your ears with the strangest of noises in a few weeks time. Buy your ear plugs now while stocks last.
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  • ennspekennspek Frets: 1625
    It would be odd for me too. I've only ever been filmed having sex.
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24559
    ennspek said:
    It would be odd for me too. I've only ever been filmed having sex.
    Discovery channel huh?
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  • NikkoNikko Frets: 1803
    ennspek said:
    It would be odd for me too. I've only ever been filmed having sex.

    Details on Mic placement please.
    **Signature space available for a reasonable fee. Enquire within**
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  • VinylfanVinylfan Frets: 33
    I have a THR10 and a Vox VT40+ that I can bring along to any amp shoot-out if needed.  

    Other than that, I'd be up for someone taking a look at my guitar to make sure its set-up as well as can be and to learn how to do it properly myself.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 15793
    TTony said:

    Perhaps a video' guitar setup would also work well (@wezv?).

    I am making it my ambition to avoid ever being recorded talking.  I absolutely hate the way i sound on video and i feel sorry for everyone who has to listen my voice if it really sounds that way.

    If only i sounded calm and reassuring like Ben from Crimson guitars  ;)
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4610
    Vinylfan said:
    I have a THR10 and a Vox VT40+ that I can bring along to any amp shoot-out if needed.  

    Other than that, I'd be up for someone taking a look at my guitar to make sure its set-up as well as can be and to learn how to do it properly myself.
    Those two amps would be a very worthy addition to the shootout and in return, I would be happy to check you guitar over and set it up for you. Thanks for bringing them if you can!

    I'm not a tech and I don't get as heavily involved as some but providing you don't need things like frets levelling or nuts replacing, setting up what's already there is something I can do for you. If we have strings to fit as well then a clean up and restring plus check it all over and reset as needed will probably work wonders.
    I'm sure if I can't or I'm busy with something else, either @Bridgehouse @WezV @Roland @impmann and quite a few others will be able to use the tools we have collectively and help.
    I've been restocking my guitar toolbox so opening that up and laying it all out might be something for those who aren't sure of what to have in a guitar toolkit might enjoy looking at. There's probably more in there than you'd imagine and everything has a purpose in some way.
    I'm pretty sure Glenn Fricker did an episode of Spectre Sound Studios covering this topic but it might be interesting for some to see.

    What guitar is it you have?
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4610
    WezV said:
    TTony said:

    Perhaps a video' guitar setup would also work well (@wezv?).

    I am making it my ambition to avoid ever being recorded talking.  I absolutely hate the way i sound on video and i feel sorry for everyone who has to listen my voice if it really sounds that way.

    If only i sounded calm and reassuring like Ben from Crimson guitars  ;)
    I totally feel that one!

    I've heard myself sing on mic and felt fine with that but my speaking voice recorded sounds like some knackered old man from Liverpool.

    Oh,.......Wait a minute.............!
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  • VinylfanVinylfan Frets: 33
    Alnico said:
    Vinylfan said:
    I have a THR10 and a Vox VT40+ that I can bring along to any amp shoot-out if needed.  

    Other than that, I'd be up for someone taking a look at my guitar to make sure its set-up as well as can be and to learn how to do it properly myself.
    Those two amps would be a very worthy addition to the shootout and in return, I would be happy to check you guitar over and set it up for you. Thanks for bringing them if you can!

    I'm not a tech and I don't get as heavily involved as some but providing you don't need things like frets levelling or nuts replacing, setting up what's already there is something I can do for you. If we have strings to fit as well then a clean up and restring plus check it all over and reset as needed will probably work wonders.
    I'm sure if I can't or I'm busy with something else, either @Bridgehouse @WezV @Roland @impmann and quite a few others will be able to use the tools we have collectively and help.
    I've been restocking my guitar toolbox so opening that up and laying it all out might be something for those who aren't sure of what to have in a guitar toolkit might enjoy looking at. There's probably more in there than you'd imagine and everything has a purpose in some way.
    I'm pretty sure Glenn Fricker did an episode of Spectre Sound Studios covering this topic but it might be interesting for some to see.

    What guitar is it you have?
    @Alnico - that would be very cool, thanks.  I'm happy to bring any of the kit that I have - not much outside of those 2 amps at the moment.

    The guitar I have is a Yamaha Pacifica 112 - it seems ok to me in terms of set-up, but I am pretty sure that it could be made much better.  I've played with setting it up a little and adjusted the odd string here and there, but mainly I just tune it!  I would love to make sure that its sounding its best and also to learn more about how to do it.

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