Mex Tele with rolled fretboard edge
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Almost did a deal locally he wanted my Player Plus Strat and I would take his 09 Mex Standard Tele in px, the Tele had a Maple neck, med jumbos and rolled fretboard edge. The owner of the Tele had someone else coming to view the guitar arranged before we made contact and it was only fair to honour it. Sods Law it sold, so now Im looking for similar
Did all Standard Teles come with Med Jumbos and Rolled fretboards or did he get lucky?
Which model Tele should I look out for (I could also just source a neck and build my own around it) but am blissfully ignorant on Tele specs.
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I know american specials / performers have jumbo frets, and the strat version I had definitely had rolled edges; it was a dream to play. Maybe the US special tele's are rolled as well; obviously not mexican but they're considered the cheaper end of the US Fenders.
I cant seem to find any ref from the serial number
I wasn't aware of any MIM models with rolled edges, but the Player Plus has been mentioned above.
Its a Player Plus Strat, I think Ive sold it but I nearly broke it for parts just to keep the neck….the Tele in the first post had a vey similar neck, the rolled edge is just sublime
And a generic Mex Strat neck with Pau Ferro board and standard fretboard edge
Lowering my expectations has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.