wtb: head to be used as a pedal platform, mostly clean
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Hi all,
I play a lot of country, Chet Atkins style or Brad Paisley, so no grit or just a bit of hair on it. But I also play in a band which requires some Marshall tones sometimes, so I have a Marshall-in-a-box pedal for that kind of thing. I currently am running through a Peavey classic 20 mini head, but that thing breaks up too quickly for the volumes I have it at in rehearsals, and also, when it breaks up, it becomes a bit of a hissing mess!
Head must:
1. Have a fantastic clean tone,
2. be between 30-50 watts or so.
I would prefer:
1. something small,
2. with reverb; and
3. With an FX loop
A Dr. Z or Victory v40 would make me very happy indeed.
But I can compromise on those last ones if the rest is awesome.
What ya got?
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V40 was great but lacking a bit in character, Dr Z MAZ was great but a bit too aggressive for brighter pedals. Hot Rod Deluxe is great as well but still not bloody available in head format!
Anyway give me a shout if you want to try the Puretone.
The correct answer is of course a Hiwatt DR504.
*An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.
IMO its is a brilliant amp for pedals, I've tried dozens of o/d, distortion, crunch and boost pedals and it hasn't met one that it doesn't like. Paired with a big cab it'll do heavy rock no bother, throw a boost pedal in front of it and it'll give you juicy blues tones at low volumes. It chucks out great gobs of bass if you want it, yet it can do a delicious Fender Super Reverb clean with a strat. (It is the Fender AB763 circuit used in quite a few Fender BF amps)
I'm in Nottingham, if you want to give it a go with your own pedals give me a shout and we can take it to our rehearsal room where you can wind it up through any number of cabs (your own included if you want).