FS: Marshall Valvestate 8100 Head and 8412 Cab
I'm selling this Marshall Valvestate 8100 Head and 8412 Cab for £200 collected from Newbury, Berkshire.
It's in very good condition indeed considering its age. I fitted a brand new Groove Tubes GT-12AX7-M Mullard Reproduction Guitar Preamp Valve shortly before christmas. The only thing that isn't working is the reverb on both channels. I will investigate this problem this weekend but assume that it won't be working unless otherwise stated.
The cab is in good condition and I've recently fitting some new feet to it as one got knocked off at some point. It's a compact 4x12 so will fit in cars more easily that a standard cab. I can get it in the boot of my 5-series saloon with the head and a guitar and pedals.
These amps are brilliant for the money with loads of good reviews on the net. It's not the last word in sophistication but if you're into metal and heavily overdriven guitar and want something incredibly loud that looks the part then you'll struggle to find anything better for this money. The cleans are pretty good too.
I bought this shortly before christmas but then I built an ampmaker P1800 kit which is more to my taste and the volume is more controllable. I used this head through the 8412 cab for rehearsals but have now bought something slightly smaller.
Please let me know if you have any questions and I'll get some better pictures up when I have a minute.
PS. Would consider a small valve amp as a trade.
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