Recording Great Guitar Tones on a Budget new series for beginners
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I'm just starting a new series on my guitar blog, it might be useful for a few of you, or people you know that are looking for some help.
Especially, if you are new to recording the guitar.
I'm going to start off pretty basic and it will work its way up to some more advanced lessons over the coming months.
The first part covers some handy free software and the following parts will feature a mix of audio recording, and microphone techniques, plus some useful mixing tips and ways to create/record specific guitar tones.
Recording Great Guitar Tones on a Budget - Part 1I didn't want to write the "War and Peace of guitar recording" in one article, as it would be off-putting for a lot of people, so I'm starting gently.
Also, if anyone has any specific topics they would like me to cover in the future, then feel free to add them here or message me.
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As my old career was training Logic and setting up recording studios. I’ve experienced a lot of training and helping musicians to get results.
My biggest audience is currently from the USA and I get a lot of traffic also from Europe. The suggestions from you guys is really useful and so I’ll take it all onboard for my next few articles.
I'm in perhaps a slightly weird position where I've spent a lot of time in studios recording etc etc and know the basics of what to do to get a good recording and make it sound good (mics, VSTs, EQ, compression, adding low-mix parallel effects to fatten stuff, etc etc), but I have little clue how to implement that in a DAW. I'm learning that stuff now so anything along those lines would be fab. Or even just direction to other good resources would always be helpful.