Two Germanium fuzzes: SM Fuzzv1 and big box Fulltone ‘69
I am confronting my fuzz-hoarding problem (I have 12 at last count) by selling some of those not currently being used.
So here are an original SM Fuzz from 2012 and a big box Fulltone ‘69 from 2007. The Fulltone has one NKT275 and one Toshiba TSB415 transistors. These original’ 69s are being offered for silly money on Reverb.
The SM fuzz has AC128s.
Neither pedal has the original packaging (cardboard boxes of any size are routinely recycled by two labradors and a spaniel). Or the instructions (ditto). The SM Fuzz has a small chip in the metal LED light surround which is shown in pictures (link below)
Prices including postage: £240 for the ‘69, £180 for the SM Fuzz.
Trades seriously considered for an Octaland (not the two button version) as my octave-fuzz hoarding is in its infancy.
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