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FS: Malekko/ Spruce Effects / Red Panda

JamesSGBrownJamesSGBrown Frets: 202
edited July 2022 in FX £
A few pedals that just aren’t getting enough use currently. All prices include 2nd class signed for postage.  


Malekko Polyamorator- a delay with 3 lines that are independently pitch-shiftable! You can adjust all sorts, from the feedback to the size of the buffer, the blend, the master output, the volume of each line etc. I believe this was built with mode 7 of the PS-3 in mind but it’s a lot less “celestial” and more arpeggiator-inspired I think. Either way it’s fab, I’m just not able to find a place for it in my current setup. Pretty much as new, Velcro on bottom, box etc. £150


Spruce Effects The Gale- a wickes silicon fuzz that can be tight, loose, heavy as hell or vintage-inspired. Versatile! Got this imported from the US but the band I was using it in is pretty much dead so up it goes. I def have the box and bag somewhere, so assume this price with those, or knock £15 off to have as-is and I'll send the box etc if and when I come across them (moved house and god knows which box they're in). Velcro on, £115.

 Added: Red Panda Particle V2: great condition w/ box- £210
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