How much should I ask for a vintage DiMarzio Super Distortion?
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Recently picked this up and it’s currently in a Revstar to try, but historically I don’t ‘do’ ceramics so it may not be in there long depending on Friday’s gig. It does sound pretty great but curiosity got the better of me!
It seems to be a genuinely old (late 70s/early 80s) and has had fixes done (wiring replaced, screw holes fixed) and has a silver cover but is cream underneath. Measures 13.7k on the multimeter.
So, if I do decide I want to go alnico after trying at gig volumes, how much should I ask for this thing? eBay suggests £80-90 odd but I’m not sure that’s right with the work done. Thanks!
Pictures here:
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In that case, consider it sold!
• Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@Goldeneraguitars
@jdbwales Apologies for LOL/Wow!/Wizzing your opening post. That was due to sloppy scrolling on my smartphone screen.
@funkfingers no worries mate, I didn’t take offence!
I don't think its just the cover holding this one back from full value. The cables seem to have been replaced rather than extended... so that means the pickup may have been apart and even rewound, and its the "wrong" wire which will matter to some. None of it makes for a bad pickup though.
I'm Interested in this thread. I also have a pair of vintage (and naturally relic'd) '70s SD that I removed from a Les Paul years ago. I guess they were worth about 100
If your DiMarzios had aftermarket covers added, remove them. If necessary, have the covers refitted properly.
There are several pickup makers on this forum who could fully refurbish your pickups.