FS Hughes & Kettner Puretone 25w Combo
Selling now as now I have a smaller cab for my orange this has become somewhat redundant and its too good to be sat doing nothing
H&K's flagship model for a while boasting point to point wiring and a the name would suggest, the purest tone going. It takes pedals like nothing on earth and has a wicked AC style clean and with the use of the growl knob will go all the way up to vintage cranked Marshall
It's an incredibly versatile giggers amp that also switches down to 12 and then 7w where you can really make it sizzle.
And it's control panel lights up blue!!
It was over £1300 new but has seen a lot of use so offers around £600 secures it. Has a amp cover and has recently been revalved with TADs
http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products.php5?id=5&prod=Puretone Combohttp://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6ytipjYBmXY&desktop_uri=/watch?v=6ytipjYBmXY(Albeit the head)
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