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It's that time of year again for many of us with subscription renewals for clubs, gyms AND guitar magazines perhaps(?) seeming to demand the emptying of our piggy-banks.
What do folk think of the current crop of Guitar Magazines?
Are they worth it?
Do you subscribe or just pick up the odd copy that grabs your attention?
AND ... if having bought said magazine(s), how much and what do you actually make use of in their content?
On a personal note, I find 'Guitar Techniques' seems full of 'advanced' stuff, virtually assuming you can already play it, 'great'!, with just token easier material. (I can get most off the net anyway).
'Total Guitar' seems to focus more on the 'heavier tones and bands' though seems more accessible for this mediocre strummer. 'Guitarist', well I've never seen a poor review in that mag, (unless of course the product doesn't advertise with them!).
'The Guitar Magazine', interesting articles, though not much teaching technique, what there is usually does offer, IMHO, a different take on things though.
US magazines, meh ... mostly advertorial too, though the (very) occasional article seems OK.
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Anything I'm really interested in I've usually long since found out about online before reading it in print.
they are full of excellent things to read. I stopped getting new ones unless there is a superb feature in them. Guitar world was ace in the 80s early 90s with a letters page where people trolled each other , some funny cartoons, features on awesome gear and some of the most awesome players in the world . I can barely relate to anything in the new ones .
guitar techniques is interesting but I can get a fundamental changes book or go on YouTube to learn new techniques etc .
I think when you subscribe you get a link to the magazine app which doesn’t really work, they just email you a link when it’s published. But I have the last year’s on the kindle app on my iPad so it’s alright.