Fs or ft - mooer little monster ac and a couple of spare valves AND a simple attenuator
So I'm genuinely looking at selling this, or better yet, trading it. It sounds amazing - it's definitely the best sounding "ac" style amp I've heard that's 5 watts. It's loud enough to pub gig with a little crunch and, surprisingly, takes pedals very well.
It'll come with my home made attenuator in a tin. It lets you get crunchy ac30 sounds at bedroom volume. It's not the best attenuator (it's linear and not a super smooth taper by definition of its parts) but it is functional. It is also useful for knocking a few dbs off when you can get a little volume. This amp is loud, especially when compared to a lot of other 5 watters.
And it's portable, to say the least
it comes with a spare preamp and power amp valve. Full working order, flick the top boost on and enjoy!
I'd swap for a suitable valve or solid state combo that's capable of cleans and fairly heavy crunch. An older Marshall valvestate or peavey bandit would be ace, or if you're feeling crazy, a black star amp would be neato. Open to suggestions, though.
I would consider throwing in my 2x10 Laney cab, top. Not the best cab in the world, but it works and has seen me through for many years. It'll let you get the head working at least, and with a speaker change, would be a pretty nice closed back cab.
So... Anyone want to do Brian may and beatles impressions in the studio?
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Used Bandits can be had for under £100 all day long.
211daved112 was selling one on the old forum before it went tits up.
Dunno if he made it over
If someone does have a trade in mind, I'll consider, but for now, it's not for sale. Sorry, stuagu!