What's Hot
Just received this today. Custom order I put in last year, and it is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Totally nailed it. The guys at Brook are amazing.
I've got a Collings dread, but it is a wild stallion of a guitar really. An incredible instrument, totally addictive, but my pathetically feeble voice cannot keep up with it at all, totally drowned out..
So I went for a Round Shoulder, 12 fret dread, with short scale. Was not looking for absolute power and volume, but something a bit warmer and softer generally. It's without doubt the easiest playing acoustic I have ever had. Played loads of Brooks and they are always super low action and easy playing, but this seems another level again.
Hard to believe it is a new acoustic, just sounds so full and warm like it's been played for years.
It's European Spruce with EIR. Thought I would do slot-head for something different.
And it weighs slightly less than nothing.
Here is the pic Brook sent, will stick some more up over the weekend.
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I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.
I just looked inside at the label and by chance the serial number (they just use the date backwards) was actually my birthday, which was last week.
whatever happened to Bertie?
I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to
I had 2 Brooks previously and the neck was slightly too thin for me. So I asked for a more traditional profile with this one. And it is really nice. Re. the radius, never really noticed anything different on them to my other acoustics to be honest. Also asked for the more traditional bridge as you can see, was never fully sold on the Brook style one.
However, as much as I have waxed lyrical about the guitar, and it sounds amazing, there is a fair chance I will end up selling it.
I think I really now prefer long scale on acoustics. I had a few short scale guitars at the time I ordered this and loved them but all now gone...
The GAS madness continues!
ayecarumbah, that looks a bit special. What's lacewood like as a tone wood?
I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.
The sides on glt56`s looks almost unreal, like leather, very nice too though.
Lovely guitar, but just lacking a bit of something compared with my other dreads. I have a couple of Santa Cruz's at the minute and they have a sort of power and sustain right the way up the neck, which I find the Brook dreads don't have. They just have a bit more of everything, but they did cost a lot more also, so an unfair comparison maybe. Brooks are still great value even though they have gone up a fair bit in recent times. They are top guys, are great to do a custom build with, they really listen.
I would happily have another Brook at some point. This one was my 4th, and I really do like them. Would probably stick to the smaller bodied models from now on. Another Parlor maybe, the Creedy is an awesome little thing.
I am !