Storing a sound hole pickup inside guitar
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Hi, I’ve mentioned before about my Tanglewood TW45 Heritage with non-working B Band electrics. I love the guitar as a pure acoustic but would like electric capability too and B Bands seem to be expansive and unreliable, so my solution as someone who never gigs acoustic but would like the ability is this:
Repurpose the existing installed Jack pin by ‘hardwiring’ a sound hole pickup eg Duncan Woody (but not that particular model as it’s crap, but you get the idea) by cutting off the male Jack and wiring the cable to the end pin, giving me the ability to plug in whenever.
Now, the question - I wouldn’t want the sound hole pickup installed at all time, so would it be doable to, say, velcro the back of the pickup inside the sound hole but out of view when not in use to keep the guitar’s aesthetics preserved, then unstick it and install it into place in the soundhole when needed?
Would this dull vibrations of the guitar, making it sound worse, or would it be viable if a bit Heath Robinson?
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Ps what I don’t like is acoustics with clip on tuners, just looks odd to me. However Dkaddario do the NS tuner which clips out of site in the sound hole really sorts the problem https://www.amazon.co.uk/DAddario-PW-CT-15-Micro-Sound-Tuner/dp/B018K9K034/ref=sr_1_10?adgrpid=71001143034&dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1pyCBhCtARIsAHaY_5d9-oq86YnIMPd80Yv2lMgijYqH61X3Tp6EhAv3p389UbgJjT0Kik0aApFiEALw_wcB&hvadid=339091484376&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9045670&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7822563229159076167&hvtargid=kwd-430633899297&hydadcr=25912_1778718&keywords=ns+micro+clip+free+tuner&qid=1615305302&sr=8-10
The other upshot is I can switch the SD mag mic and fishman humbucker between either guitar.
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