This is FT only. It's my only amp so I need it for gigging. I would only consider a sale if I have something lined up to buy and can do a 3 way handover.I love this amp, but I'm getting grass is greener feelings.
I need something with a spanky clean for funk stuff and a classic rock type drive.
Things I especially fancy include Rivera, Mesa and Egnater. I'd also consider a Peavey classic 50 with cash in my direction.
For those not familiar it is essentially a Deluxe Reverb with a high gain channel. It's 22 Watts, but perfectly loud enough for gigging.
Complete with a hotcovers cover and a spare footswitch cable and potentially a kick back stand.
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great rock drive and a nice voxy clean
Look forward to hearing all about it when you do then!
I have a lot of love for H&K stuff, my old Tube 50 combo still being one of my favourite ever amps.