NGD - Avalon Ziricote redwood
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I got this a few weeks ago, a bit late putting it up here
https://boards.wetransfer.com/board/sqcdaored7wd8dvzl20190426170413/latestIt's a S7-390 Celtic
This is the first smaller-bodied guitar that I have ever liked, but this one is stunning. The amount of resonance, overtones and mids are huge. I can fingerpick this louder than most of my large guitars.
If you pluck any string, and leave other strings undamped, there is an unreal shimmering effect.
Tuned to DADGAD, pluck the bottom D, and all the other strings start visibly moving, some of them a lot
I had planned my custom order (other thread) to be maccassar ebony and redwood, but switched to Ziricote after getting this
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The zingyness and lots of mids might now be your thing, who nows until you try it?
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it's like playing your first decent valve amp - loads of layers of extra stuff happening
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This guitar is so alive, it resonates so much, I've never liked a small steel-strung before