FS: Mango Duo 18 and 2x12 with Celestion Blues, ultimate Vox tone
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The best vintage Vox crunch available to the human ear. The Mango Duo 18 is a British-made boutique head based on the original AC15 circuit and sounds way, waaaay better than anything Vox's Chinese factory is making nowadays.
This one has the "coffee and cream" vinyl and comes with matching 2x12 cab fitted with Celestion Blues. Both amp and cab have the original Mango padded covers.
Just volume and tone for each channel plus a "cut" knob that controls the top end after the phase inverter.
The two EL84 output valves and EZ81 rectifier are JJs. One channel is driven by a 5751, which is a low-gain ECC83/12AX7 but can easily be replaced with a standard one, and the other has an EF86. This is more crunchy but the noisefloor is very low on both channels.
£635, London area pickup/delivery only. Genuinely reluctant sale but I need the cash for a Rickenbacker 360 - part-ex welcome, but not for anything that isn't a Rickenbacker 360.
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Have a bump for many hours spent drooling over the Mango web site.
"If I was a rich man, budubadubadubadum"